Bespoke Psychotherapy
For the last few years I’ve spent countless hours studying and up-skilling in the ‘coaching & psychotherapy’ field and I’ve really moved towards this being a huge part of how I work with clients (alongside nutritional & regenerative medicine). I’ve studied various curriculums & courses and personally used & practiced many modalities including;
- Personal / professional / business / life coaching & mentoring
- Natural Success & Intuitive Healing Curriculum (to Mastery Level)
- Sensual Essence & Holistic Sex Therapy
- Compassionate Inquiry – Gabor Mate (Practitioner Training Level)
- Internal Family Systems Model – Richard Swartz
- The IMAGO relationship counselling model
- Inner child & Subconscious work
Therapies I regularly Practice for my own personal growth and development;
- Cold water & Nature Therapy
- Meditation & Journaling
- Breathwork Healing Meditation
- Intuitive Massage & other somatic (body) work
My personal transformational journey has been so positive I really want to share it with the world!
All Nutritional & Regenerative Medicine consultations include elements of the bespoke model of psychotherapy I practice. It’s a combination of all my training and is tailored to each clients specific needs. I also offer ‘psychotherapy only’ sessions to current clients.