Indigenous Community Health

In April 2015 I did a trip to Fitzroy Crossing in The Kimberley, WA to deliver a 3 day corporate Nutrition & Good Health Workshop for Marra Worra Worra – the oldest and largest independent Indigenous Resource Agency in Australia. Since then I’ve made regular visits educating the staff & community members on all things Holistic Nutrition.
Our focus is on creating greater awareness around the dangers of over-consuming processed carbs & sugars and the move back towards a more traditional diet to combat the dire levels of obesity, diabetes and kidney disease in the region.
Through Marra Worra Worra’s ongoing commitment to reducing preventable disease in the community we’ve seen the opening of ‘Jalagurru Mayi – The Good Mood Food’ Cafe open in Fitzroy Crossing. I’m thrilled to have been be part of this process.
For any future project consultation please get in touch